Rahu Ketu Intro

Thanks to blogging ...
In the sweltering hot Delhi summer of July 2007, my friend Manish Choudhury, who, while initiating various internet ventures, from his Malviya Nagar residence, initiated me into the journey of blogging. Since then, this medium has become a multi-functional platform for me.. to update, review, express my divergent experiences and nebulous ideas in the most convenient format.... thanks Manish!

Rahu Ketu, the eclipse Nodes...

I've been researching and writing about Rahu Ketu, the eclipse causing nodes  of  Vedic astrology, since 2007. My insights into their opposite yet interconnected energies are present in numerous posts throughout my three blogs. In this regularly updated/ reviewed Page,  I want to present a broad  summary of  the karmic, paradoxical natures of aspect of Rahu Ketu.

Rahu Ketu Karma

Rahu karma: Whenever, a person has excessively misused the Lower/ Hot Chakras, then he has to balance out his life by doing Rahu karma. If he has misused the fiery qualities of the Solar Chakra, the sexual nature of the Sacral/ Swadhisthana Chakra, the physical, visceral qualities of the Root/ Mooladhar Chakra, then he has to balance out his life by doing intellectual, mental, spiritual, abstract, theoretical work signified by Rahu karma. 
He has to avoid his natural tendency of the excessive physical, visceral, action based, reckless, impulsive, head on, stubborn approach of the Lower Chakras and connect to the higher mental, intellectual, intuitive, psychic, conceptual, aspects of the Upper Chakras... and to balance out his life by doing Rahu karma. 

Ketu karma: Whenever, a person has excessively misused the Upper/ Cool Chakras,  then, he has to balance out his life by doing Ketu karma. If he has misused the communication skills of the Throat Chakra, the intellectual skills of the Brow chakra, the higher spiritual/ occult functions of the Crown chakra, then, he has to balance out his life by doing emotional, physical, visceral, Lower Chakra work signfied by Ketu karma.
He has to avoid his natural tendency of excessive mental, intellectual, theoretical, abstract, communication style of the Upper Chakras and connect to the the emotional, physical, visceral, aspects of the lower Chakras.. and balance out his life by doing Ketu karma.

Energy unfoldings for Rahu Ketu karma
In any birthchart, Rahu Ketu lie diagonally opposite 180' to each other. The Rahu Ketu axis in a chart, defines the paradoxical, ironic, contradictory energies in our life occurring due to past Karma.  The Rahu Ketu karma of any chart, whether any can be determined only after detail analysis of the Lagna lord, positions of Mercury, Venus and Saturn for Rahu, and positions of Jupiter, Mars, and Sun for Ketu.
Below I provide some salient guidelines for people with Rahu Ketu karma, which the reader might connect with on a instinctive/ intuitive level.

Rahu Current: Upward pull of Mind and Spirit 
The Ultraviolet and Liberating currents of Rahu, helps those with Rahu karma to move toward freedom, expansion, abstraction, and universality. It's the pathway through which slow-moving, constricted energy gradually gains new levels of abstraction, freedom, sublimation and conceptualization. 
Hence, those with Rahu karma often start out as extremely hands on, self dependent, proactive souls. But as time progresses, they are forced by circumstance to move into more conceptual, ethereal, abstract areas for their soul energies to be truly expressed
Ketu Current: Downward pull of Body and Soul
The Infrared and Manifesting currents of Ketu, helps those with Ketu karma, to move toward form, density, boundaries, contraction and individuality. It brings a process of constriction and limitation, through which abstract, ethereal, conceptual energies are enabled to become more denser and finally become solid. 
Hence, those with Ketu karma often start out as extremely conceptual, ethereal, abstract dependent creatures. But as time progresses, they are forced by circumstance to move into a more hands on, independent, physical, hands on approach for their soul energies to be manifested. 

Rahu Karma: Introverted Extroverts 
People with Rahu Karma are often introverted by nature, but their Rahu karma compel to look outside, seek external support, supplementary agencies to solve their own internal karmic issues. External influences, foreign agencies, accidental events, hecceities, collateral, can always help solve their internal karmic challenges and issues. That's why people with Rahu karma are best for coping with foreign affairs, sudden events, their adaptability allows them to dance at the cosmic chance of opportunity. 

Hence, even though they are actually highly asocial introverts at heart Rahu karma compels them to become Extroverts and connect to a diverse milieu of people.  
Ketu Karma: Extroverted introverts
People with Ketu Karma are often extroverted by nature, but their Ketu karma compel them to
look within at their own internal karmic issues for analysing or solving their external problems. Whatever they are experiencing is the result of their own internal karma. A very Internal karmic journey is needed to solve their practical, environmental challenges. That's why people with Ketu karma usually cannot cope with sudden external events, because it upsets the flow of their long brewing internal process.
Hence, even though they are actually highly social extroverts at heart, Ketu karma compels them to become Introverts and make the internal, emotional, visceral journey within...

Rahu: liberation through Tranquil Meditation
The person with Rahu karma may experience turbulence, breakdown, chaos, which is solely due to the complacent, indulgent nature of past life karma associated with Rahu. In the initial stages, the person with Rahu Karma, might even strongly identify with this turbulence. He might shun the meditative, blissful energies which are neccesary for his release. But as he evolves spiritually, he embraces these Rahu insights, and the tranquil meditative state, which leads to his release/ freedom.
When he's meditating, in the beginning he would be swarmed with thoughts, distractions, diversions, and a multitude of voices..but slowly with practice, the peaceful, empty, Zen like mind state emerges
Ketu: clearing through Churning Meditation
The person with Ketu karmas may experience clotting, stagnation, ennui, which is solely due to the violent, turbulent nature of past life karma associated with Ketu. In the initial stages, the person with Ketu Karma, might strongly identify with this stagnation. He might shun cathartic, turbulent energies which are necessary for his release. But as he evolves spiritually, he embraces the surge of these Ketu Currents, the turbulent churning which ultimately leads to personal manifestation.
When people with Ketu karma are meditating, in the beginning, his mind would be flooded with fantasies, wild thoughts, mental constructs, past events, etc, but slowly with practice, a multitude of suppressed body energies begin to emerge. He would experience the karmic Ketu Currents, suppressed issues within his own unconscious emerge, get conscious and thereby get released. 

Rahu:Centripetal energy
For those with Rahu karma, an external Idea, object, circumstantial event, a fortuitous incident, a synchronistic happening  helps one solve the complex, internal, long brewing, karmic issues. 
Ketu: Centrifugal energy
For those with Ketu karma, an internal, emotional, journey, visceral, karmic physical experience, churning karmic process helps solve the issues of the externally manifested physical, visceral, realistic challenges.

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